Anuj Thapliyal

Keynote Speeches:

Strategic Leadership
Decision Making Execution
Change Management
Emotion Regulation
And more!

Favorite Quote:

"Great leaders do not create followers; they create more leaders.” - Tom Peters

Anuj picks:

Silent Leadership - Dr David Rock
Goal, Goal II - Prof E Goldratt
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ - Daniel Goleman
Mind Over Mood - Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky

Management Consultant | Leadership Coach | C-Suite Leader

Master of Business Administration

Anuj has been successfully leveraging his management and leadership learnings acquired during his many enriching years of service in the Indian Armed Forces (over 22 years) and as a management professional (C Suite, over 20 years) to the advantage of the businesses and large teams that he has led in war and in the Corporate world for over four decades.

Why Anuj?

Anuj is a curious and a keen learner who can look 'around the corner'! He has experienced and learned from India's transformation (as a Government Employee and a Business Leader) from being a third-world country to it now being the fifth largest global economy and asserting its claim to the Permanent Membership of the UN Security Council.

Anuj is a an expert in Strategic & Business Leadership, Supply Chain & Logistics and more.

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